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View the results of previous auctions here.

2024  –  11 – 14 June

Coins part 1 | Coins part 2 | Coins part 3 | Banknotes

2024  –  15 & 16 May

Jewellery  |  Watches | Diamonds

2024  –  10 & 11 April

Coins | Banknotes

2024  –  6 & 7 March

Silver Jewellery  |  Watches | Diamonds

2023  –  29 November  –  1 December

Coins  |  Banknotes  |  Silver  |  Jewellery  |  Watches

2023  –  4 – 12 October

Coins and tokens  |  Banknotes  |  Silver  |  Jewellery  |  Diamonds  |  Watches

2023  –  21 June

Silver  | Jewellery  |  Watches

2023  –  10 – 11 May

Coins  |  Banknotes  | Silver  | Jewellery  |  Watches

2023  –  9 – 16 March

Coins  |  Banknotes  | Silver  | Jewellery  |  Watches

2022 –   8 – 9 December

Silver  |  Jewels and Watches

2022  –   6 – 14 October

Coins and medals  |  Banknotes  |  Silver  |  Jewellery and diamonds  |  Watches  |  Online Only

2022  –   1 and 2 June Online only

Jewels and watches  |  Silver

2022  –   10 – 18 March

Coins and medals  |  Banknotes  |  Silver  |  Jewels and watches  |  Art & Antiques  |  Online Only

2021  –   30 November – 3 December

Silver  |  Jewels and watches  |  Paintings  |  Wine  |  Art & Antiques  |  Online Only

2021  –   8 – 15 October

Art & Antiques  |  Jewels and watches  |  Paintings  |  Silver  |  Coins and medals  |  Banknotes  |  Online Only

2021  –   7 – 11 June   Online only

Art & Antiques  |  Jewels and watches  |  Paintings  |  Silver

2021  –   15 – 19 March

Art & Antiques  |  Jewels and watches  |  Paintings  |  Silver  |  Coins and medals  |  Banknotes

2020  –   11, 14 and 15 December

Art & Antiques var.  |  Wines  |  Art & Antiques  |  Jewels and watches  |  Paintings  |  Silver

2020  –   5 – 10 October

Art & Antiques  |  Paintings

2020  –   4 – 6 June  Online only

Art & Antiques  |  Jewels and watches  |  Paintings  |  Silver  |  Coins and medals  |  Banknotes

2020  –   16 – 21 March

Online only  |  Art & Antiques  |  Jewels and watches  |  Paintings  |  Silver  |  Coins and medals  |  Banknotes

2019  –   7 – 11 October

Art & Antiques  |  Paintings  |  Stationary  |  Coins and medals  |  Banknotes

2019  –  19 – 22 March

Coins, medals and banknotes  |  Silver, gold, jewellery, watches, art and antiques

2018  –  October 10, 11 en 12 

Coins, medals and banknotes  |  Silver, gold, jewellery, watches, art and antiques

2018 – March 7th, 8th and 9th

Coins, medals and banknotes  |  Silver, gold, jewellery, watches, art and antiques

2017 – October

Coins, medals & banknotes  |  Silver, gold, jewellery, watches, art and antiques

2017 – March

Coins, medals & banknotes, silver, gold, jewellery, watches, art and antiques

2016 – October

Coins, medals & banknotes, silver, gold, jewellery, watches, art and antiques

2016 – March

Coins, medals & banknotes, silver, gold, jewellery, watches, art and antiques

2015 -October

Coins, medals & banknotes, silver, gold, jewellery and watches

2015 – March

Coins, medals & banknotes, silver, gold, jewellery, watches, art and antiques